New Years 2010:Three Things...

Sam my oldest, has moved off to college. Not across the country or anything - after all, she can be home or we can be at school in under an hour. But she's, like, all-growed up! And I was sitting on (no honestly - lying on) the couch last night with the Christmas tree lighted up and the rest of the house dark. It's one of those things I do EVERY Christmas at least once. And as I lay there last night, my eyes landed on an ornament* on the tree. See, this year I decided ornaments only. I didn't add those shiny red balls, or the shiny silver ones, just our ornaments. And I liked it. (Some day I'll blog the "Evolution of Our Christmas Tree". I think it's a story of it's own.) But I digress...

My eyes fixed upon an adorable little teddy bear hugging a Christmas Candy Cane - Baby's 1st Christmas '91. And it hits me once again, that after 18, no 19, years, my oldest is out there IN the world. And this year - 2010 - Alex, my youngest will leave our little house on the circle too. (That's a cool story.... "life in our house 1987-__") And I gazed at our tree and I asked myself, have I taught them/modeled for them the basics? I'll feel I've been a good enough Mom, if I've taught my girls at least these three things - my three wishes, if you will...

#1:You are always loved! There are people you don't even realize love you as much as they do - in their own unique and wonderful way. And there's our Creator, Whose name embodies Love, God (or whomever you choose to call the Supreme Energy Who created this amazing world and all who dwell in it. ) And your parents and your sister - always and forever... And there are the multitudes of people whose lives you touch every day when you don't even realize you're doing it.

#2: Take care of yourselves.. Trust that voice, that gut feeling, and take care of YOU! Listen to your body and your mind and your feelings! Really listen to what your own self is trying to tell you.

#3:Care about others, really care. Do unto others as you'd want them to do to you. I just feel so much better about myself when I do. It's part of the way we humans are "wired". It's the highest energy we can vibrate out into the world. And we attract back the same kind of good vibrations - it's a universal law kinda thing.

Three things... but within those "three" things lives so much about life. They're the bare bone, essential as hell, basics...

Happy New Year my girls! With All My Love!


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