This Seat is Saved...

One thing on my mind this morning is the fact that my daughter is performing in a musical at her high school. Performances were last night and tonight. We - my hubby, my mom & my daughter - are going tonight to see her perform, and I'm excited. My other daughter, her older sister, went last night as well, and says it's an excellent show. But that's not what's on my mind....

Whenever we go to see my kids in any type of performance, we make an educated guess beforehand as to the optimal time to arrive in order to get good seats and be able to see all the action, but most particularly to see our kid in action. And it really hits me the wrong way when we get there, ALL OF US, when the house opens, and someone has sent their snivelly little ambassador ahead armed with handbags and coats and programs to save seats for their own entourage! I have taken the time to calculate out when we have to leave the house, including the trip across town to pick up Grandma et al, to get there early. And someone tells us, as we're looking for a good spot to catch all the action - "These seats are saved." Screw you! If the people for whom you're saving seats REALLY care about seeing the show, they need to get their butts in gear and arrive early too! I made a plan. I did what needs to be done to get to the show on time, all attendees in tow. And you want me to yield to a fricking piece of paper or a ratty jacket?

And so as not to cause a scene, we all yield to these ambassadors. Enough! I'm going to see my kid perform tonight. And I'm going early enough to get a good seat. And you know what? If there ain't a real live body in the chair, I'm considering it fair game!


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