Don't call me on Monday...

I tend to go contrary to the "norm" when I do things. It's a "rebel" sorta thing deeply ingrained in my psyche, neither bad nor good. It's just the way I am. And my wind-down/rev-back-up-again day of the week is Monday. I do Mondays, absolutely. But I do Mondays in my own personal way.

On the one hand, I do Mondays. I actually get a lot done. I put my self and my home and my attitude back together from last week and our wonderful whatever we did weekend - one of many with all the chaos that accompanies any given weekend in our home with our two teenage daughters, four wildly lovable dogs, me, and their Dad!

On the other hand, I don't do Mondays. I don't schedule appointments on Mondays. I only run errands if I feel like going out. I do things around our house all day, but I do whatever strikes my fancy. Mondays are my "day off". I don't do anything on Monday that I don't absolutely, positively have to do unless I feel like it! My Mondays are for listening to just me and doing what I want to do, some of it productive and some of it not. It's my day for doing whatever I feel like doing when I feel like doing it.

My Mondays have evolved as a natural result my life. With my husband at work as a "traveling man", come Monday morning he's likely enroute to his current gig in "Kalamazoo USA". Our daughters are busy with schedules at their schools. And I take this day to regroup. Monday is my running start into each brand new week....

And I like it that way.


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