GM Weight Loss Diet Program

I SO need a way to jump-start my weight loss. Left to my own devices, I've let my weight slowly creep back toward my last starting point with Weight Watchers. Yes, I could go back to Weight Watchers, and I may yet. But for now, I want something that will show me quick results. To that end, I was using Stumble!Upon during a lag in productive computer activity, and ran across the General Motors Weight Loss Diet Program. Although it has components of a fad diet - restricted food lists, elimination of entire food groups on a temporary basis - it also promises weight loss of 10-17 pounds over 7 days. Wouldn't that be nice? And to boot, it doesn't have you eat weird and far-out foods. It relies on real foods, the ones we all know we're supposed to eat more of anyway - fruits and vegetables.

Now starting out, I know that I may not do the full 7 days at one shot. I have a birthday party to attend on Day 6. After debating whether to wait until after the birthday party to attempt the program, I recognized my tendency to stick with my usual "weight-loss" regimen, The Tomorrow Diet - as in, "I'll start my diet tomorrow!" Instead, I decided that I would start the diet, monitor my progress, and on Day 6 I could still attend the birthday party, where pizza is to be the main course, and start over again after my splurge. The program instructions say that you can use the plan as often as you like. So if it works on Days 1-5, I'll do it again. Won't it be nice not to feel like a beached whale when summer rolls around again? Yes.

Day 1: Fruit in unlimited quantities except for bananas. I woke up this morning and decided to give it a go, having some fruit on hand, probably enough between what was in my fridge and canned stuff in the pantry. I made it through most of the day, when around 7 pm I realized that I was not going to stick to it unless I made a trip to the produce section at my nearest grocery store. I made a list and picked up apples, oranges, kiwi and bananas. Then I came home and made myself a wonderful fruit salad. Day one goes well!

Day 2: Vegetables in unlimited quantities starting with a baked potato for breakfast. I do cheat a bit, adding my normal sweet-n-low to my coffee. But I fix my potato, add 'I Can't Believe It's Not Butter' spray and it's very tasty. However, about 20 minutes later, I feel queasy and can't decide if I'm nauseous or light-headed or what the deal is, but I feel terrible. And my stomach is rolling. I decide to lay down and maybe try to sleep, as I feel like I'm about to die. The nap seems to do the trick; and a couple hours later, feeling almost normal, I'm able to go about my daily business. I can say with Day 2, my insides are cleaner, due to the major influx of fiber from all the fruits and vegetables and the absence of all that "gluey stuff" (pastry, bread, chips) that I'm not eating.

Day 3: Unlimited fruits and vegetables, without bananas or potatoes. So far, so good. AND I'm down 4 pounds this morning!... Today I did have headaches twice - once mid-morning and once late afternoon. Mid-morning was cured with Advil and late afternoon by eating - a la the diet. I "cheated" a tad at dinner, having my mixed vegetables with a bit of the sauce from hubby's Chicken Korma sans chicken. Overall, it was an okay day.

Day 4:Up to 8 bananas with 3 glasses of milk. We'll see. On a positive note, I'm down 4-1/2 pounds. I think it might be more IF I could make myself drink the water that I'm supposed to be drinking. Why do I find that so difficult?... An end of day analysis says bananas and milk are extremely filling. I did go and get the stuff for the Wonder Soup. Hubby made it for me and it was quite tasty!

Day 5:Beef and Tomatoes and even MORE water. This sounds do-able. I picked up some steaks at the store yesterday. They were very expensive as this store on my way home had no good ones on sale; but they look yummy!...End of day: Steaks were yummy! I actually ate my whole quota of tomatoes. And guess what? I do feel better after only 5 days on the program. It's amazing how all the junk we put into our bodies in the form of white sugar and refined carbohydrates affects our health.

Day 6:Tonight is the birthday party I spoke of when I started the diet. I've been planning for it all along, knowing that it will cause a disruption in the 7-day cycle and resolving to start over again tomorrow morning. However, and this is where I usually get into trouble, when I go "off book". I had my fill of beef and tomatoes yesterday. And today is supposed to be beef and vegetables. But I have fresh fruit in my fridge left over from fruit days which is going to go bad if it's not eaten. So... my plan for today is to go back to fruit only for today, until the party tonight. I hope I am not sabotaging myself, because as of this morning, I am DOWN 7 POUNDS!!!

The Bottom Line.
So, the party last night was a success! And I ate pizza and drank beer and thoroughly enjoyed every bite and every sip. And I made some observations which I find quite exciting! Foremost, about half-way through my first slice of delicious pizza, I realized that I was indeed on my first slice and already feeling satisfied. This did not stop me from having a second slice, but I stopped at two with absolutely NO feeling of depriving myself! I really enjoyed every bite and every sip of Shiner beer. I even had birthday cake! And it was good too, although I really could have been happy without the sugary dessert.

But this morning is when the essence of this new diet hit me. I've grown used to waking up in a bit of a fog. I started to notice by day three or four of the diet that I felt better upon waking - a subtle change, but noticable. And this morning, after having high-carb, "junk food" last night, it was obvious to me that my body prefers the foods I've been eating on this diet. This morning I feel a big groggy - had a bit of "brain fog" so to speak. And I noticed more congestion upon awakening. No coincidence in my book, I find myself ready and willing to start another cycle of the program! Considering the subtle change in the way my body feels after only a few days of eating better, I'm looking forward to increasing those feelings on a more permanent basis.

Final analysis: 5 full days and a 6th day cheating at dinner netted me a weight loss of 5.5 pounds - in under a week! I'm excited and ready to go another round!


  1. So what are you trying to tell us, that eating healthy is good for you?


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