The Importance of Feeling
You may have noticed an emphasis on listening to your feelings in recent posts - DUH. In my eternal quest to "fix what's wrong with me" I've read many a book from the Self-Improvement Aisle or Self-Help Category. Okay, and yeah, the genre has it's own box in the bookshelves out in my garage...But I've read (or in some cases not read) these books not believing in a one-size-fits-all method of "feeling better" but to see what I might learn that could really help me see my "problems" in a different light. Excuse Me, Your Life Is Waiting: The Astonishing Power of Feelings
is one of those books. Plausible. Interesting. One law.
The Law of Attraction and a belief that the feelings you feel are the only true way to create your authentic self, by attracting back to you the same sorts of feelings and occurrences that you're transmitting out - kinda like a tuning fork of the self. I'd guess you have to read it yourself to know if it would reverberate for you. ;)
But it makes some sense. As I read the first few pages of this book, I kinda tried to make some stuff happen, just by feeling how I'd feel if they did, and however it worked, some of that stuff just really did happen.... I got what I wanted by feeling how I would feel if i did... I should read the rest of the book, huh?...
The Law of Attraction and a belief that the feelings you feel are the only true way to create your authentic self, by attracting back to you the same sorts of feelings and occurrences that you're transmitting out - kinda like a tuning fork of the self. I'd guess you have to read it yourself to know if it would reverberate for you. ;)
But it makes some sense. As I read the first few pages of this book, I kinda tried to make some stuff happen, just by feeling how I'd feel if they did, and however it worked, some of that stuff just really did happen.... I got what I wanted by feeling how I would feel if i did... I should read the rest of the book, huh?...
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