Mom Musings...

When you first become parents, from the moment you hold your baby in your arms, people are telling you "Enjoy them! They grow up so fast!" And in the blink of an eye... or about 20 years time give or take... they've done it!

and you wonder if you taught them what they need to know and how to deal with every possible situation and how to keep themselves from getting hurt and how to take care of themselves and how to get along with people and how to do all the things that we all have to do in this world and you realize that there's no way that a person or persons could cover everything that it feels like you need to convey... like a history teacher trying to decide what parts of history to include and what parts to leave out for lack of time and the sheer enormity of all the things that can happen in a lifetime...

so, you pray... and you love... and you're there when they need you... and you pray and you love and you trust that they can handle whatever comes their way... and you pray. and you love.


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