I know that some of you think I'm crazy for supporting Marijuana Re-Legalization in this country. Fortunately, I have an amazing group of friends and fellow activists at DFW NORML who along with me and scores of silent supporters know that the problem with marijuana in this country is NOT the plant. The problem with this glorious plant is the LAW. Marijuana is an herb, a seed-bearing plant. You grow it, you dry it, you roll it, you smoke it. Or you make a medicinal tincture with it. Hemp can be used to make paper, clothing, housing, food. But it cannot by law be grown in this country. WHY is Marijuana illegal? And NOT Tobacco or Alcohol or Prozac or Oxycodone?  Marijuana, cannabis, hemp products can actually help your body heal itself WITHOUT getting you high. If you eat or juice marijuana, without heating it in the process, you won't get "high" while consuming an almost perfect manna-from-heaven-type food and medicine. That said, the psychoactive properties of pot are healing in and of themselves. What hurts the mind, hurts the body.

I know people who have healed themselves with marijuana. I know people who instead of an expensive, side-effect-laden prescription written by a doctor and presented for redemption at a pharmacy, choose to use marijuana for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn's Disease. They refuse to continue to consume the toxic concoctions prescribed by doctors and approved by insurance companies, because they've lived the experience of side effects only treatable with more prescriptions until those who are chronically ill become a walking pharmacy themselves. These people have said ENOUGH.

Imagine yourself or your loved one being diagnosed with cancer, while you KNOW that the CURE is out there, in a virtually harmless herbal plant. And because our federal government has determined that CITIZENS shall not grow, possess, use, buy or sell this plant, you face watching your loved one be KILLED by the chemotherapy and radiation treatments that are supposed to help them. And in the best of cases, they do help. The cancer dies before the treatments completely destroy the patient; and that is considered success. I BELIEVE there is a better way, one given to us as a seed-bearing plant when the Universe was created.

Please join me and DFW NORML on March 5th in Downtown Dallas Texas for Cinco de Mota, as we protest prohibition and celebrate this plant - Marijuana, Cannabis, Hemp - that we are thankful to have received.

DFW NORML Cinco de Mota Global Marijuana March and Festival - May 5th. Dallas City Hall


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