Vote the Two-Step!

Our government is a mess. Agreed? We've become a country divided into teams and the object is to win. They don't care about their "fans" (We the People). They don't care if they're spending too much or not collecting enough or even if their own rules are being followed. All our political teams care about is WINNING. And that's not the way it was ever supposed to be.

We cannot be the greatest nation in the world if we continue to act like senseless people. If we refuse to correct the problem with tools given to us by the law of this great land - namely our votes - then we really do deserve what we're getting. It's a sad fact that only 71% of potential voters in this country are even registered to vote*. Of potential voters, voter turnout in this country is typically a sad, sad 37.8% for Congressional elections**, with an increase to approximately 56.8% in the last Presidential election. This in itself is a sad reflection of the average citizen's recollection of Government class, in that the President is but one man - who CANNOT enact a law! That, my dear citizens, is the job of Congress. And see above, less than 38% of potential voters voted in their Congressional elections unless they fell in a Presidential election year. You got no beef if you don't cast your vote.  "How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?"

Okay. So here's the plan:

  1. Register to vote. Now. Pick up a voter registration card at the Post Office or Public Library, or fill one out online from Texas Secretary of State. If you're in my area, you can pick one up from me! You need to be registered no later than February 6, 2012 to vote in the Texas primary elections.
  2. Do some homework. Vote Smart! is one of many websites that provide bipartisan "Spark Notes" reviews of the public records of each candidate. See where they stand on issues important to you. 
  3. Vote in one of the presidential primaries. You can only vote in one primary. However, in Texas you don't have to declare a party to vote. You may vote in either the Republican or the Democratic Primary. Because of the law in Texas, you may vote in the Democratic Primary, yet still vote for a  Republican in the general election and vice verse. Primaries are crucial in determining who winds up on the ballot in November 2012.
  4. Vote in the November 2012 general election. We have a president to choose. If you don't vote, you really have no basis for complaint. If you and thousands of others like you do not vote, you have chosen to effectually put duct tape over your mouths. And by your silence, you consent to sheepishly following the whims of the citizens who do care enough to actually vote.
Of course, with busy lives - work, school, family - we never seem to have enough time to do all the things we need to do. For those who're just too busy to mess with all "that crap" above, I offer my Simplified 2-step Voting Plan. 

  1. Register to vote! (See Above)
  2. Vote ALL the incumbents OUT of office. Vote them ALL out! Start fresh. Make them all understand that we're tired of their BULLSHIT!
Guarantee ya - if EVERYBODY did the Two-Step, we'd really send a message - one they couldn't ignore.

**Source: Federal Election Commission data.


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