it's a freakin' tornado.........that's what it is!

it's the second half of summer now, well into, and young lives are in a whirl... that last summer of freedom - before you all begin new adventures in your lives. Whether you're heading off to college in a new place without all your friends along, or separating from loved ones for the first time, really, in your lives, things are changing. And it's exciting and its maddening and it's sounds like fun and it gives you the feeling in the pit of your stomach that can only be compared to the feeling you get on the final ascent of a great roller coaster ride.

the only real "solution" is to sit back and enjoy the ride, knowing in your heart of hearts that it's all gonna turn out like it's supposed to turn out. :) you'll go away and you'll come back and you'll have new friends and you'll still love your best friends. and you'll fall more in love or you'll meet your new love, and still it will all turn out like it's supposed to turn out.

trust yourself. that's key. be open to new experiences. keep in touch with home base and best friends. Grow, change, stay the same and do them all at the same time. whew! but most of all, be safe. Know that you are ALWAYS loved. And enjoy the times of your lives!

♥ and trust in knowing that it will all turn out... like it's supposed to turn out ♥


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