U-Turns Allowed...

We all make mistakes. Some of them are bigger than others, have more repercussions, generally have a heavier impact on our lives... BUT all are recoverable.... long as you're alive.

So, what do you do when you screw up and people seem to revel in attaching some stigma to you? "headed down the wrong path", "hangin' with a 'bad' crowd", just a "dreamer", whatever dumbass label you've gotten stuck with...?

Well, simplest way..........prove 'em wrong. Become a successful person - become the person you've always wanted to be or you're just now deciding you'll be... and prove 'em wrong. Blaze a path! Achieve your goals. Prove 'em wrong!

I'm not advocating seeking approval from outside sources... pssshht. Ya know me better than that, right? I'm saying... channel the energy derived from your anger and your frustration at whatever label gets under your skin into becoming what you know you can be... prove 'em wrong.

Keep your focus on your dream...  doctor, lawyer, indian chief, fireman, actor, musician, insert-your-passion here... Prove to yourself that you can achieve what you set out to achieve...

and..........prove 'em wrong. ;)


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