What a Massive Mess!
So, here goes it - my 2c worth on fixing the government. Okay, okay. Anyone who knows me knows that I have enough 2c ideas to fix the federal deficit. I didn't say they were all feasible, I don't know. You decide. #1. Abolish the current IRS. Do away with the tax code. Studies have shown that the same financial information, given to 10 different professional tax preparers, yields 10 different tax amounts. The current code is too complicated even for the EXPERTS. The average American citizen doesn't stand a chance; and the better tax preparer you can hire (read that the most daring and willing to push the envelope), the less tax you will owe to the IRS, e.g. the government. It is high time we abolished the current tax code, scrapped the whole thing, and institute in its place a fair and equitable tax on all citizens equally. I like the idea of a flat tax. Total Income x Flat Tax Rate = Tax You Owe. Period. No deductions for anything. You earn it, you pay tax on it. The ...